Analog-to-digital converter — An analog to digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is an electronic integrated circuit, which converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. The reverse operation is performed by a digital to analog converter… … Wikipedia
Analog temperature controlled crystal oscillator — In physics, an Analog Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator or Analogue Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (ATCXO) uses analog sampling techniques to correct the temperature deficencies of a crystal oscillator circuit, its package and … Wikipedia
Analog sound vs. digital sound — Analog sound versus digital sound compares the two ways in which sound is recorded and stored. Actual sound waves consist of continuous variations in air pressure. Representations of these signals can be recorded in either digital or analog… … Wikipedia
Sampling rate — Analog signal and resulting sampled signal. The sampling rate, sample rate, or sampling frequency defines the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete signal. For time domain signals, it… … Wikipedia
Sampling (signal processing) — Signal sampling representation. The continuous signal is represented with a green color whereas the discrete samples are in blue. In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A common example is the … Wikipedia
Sampling-Theorem — Das Nyquist Shannonsche Abtasttheorem, in neuerer Literatur auch WKS Abtasttheorem (für Whittaker Kotelnikow Shannon) genannt, ist ein grundlegendes Theorem der Nachrichtentechnik, Signalverarbeitung und Informationstheorie. Claude Elwood Shannon … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sampling — Sam|pling auch: Samp|ling 〈[sa:mplıŋ] n. 15; unz.; Mus.〉 1. das Sampeln 2. Aufnahmetechnik, bei der verschiedene Tonquellen wie z. B. Musikstücke, Alltagslärm, Kommentare usw. mittels eines Mischpultes auf einem Tonband zusammengeführt u. zu… … Universal-Lexikon
Analog multiplier — In electronics, an analog multiplier is a device which takes two analog signals and produces an output which is their product. Such circuits can be used to implement related functions such as squares (apply same signal to both inputs), and square … Wikipedia
Analog high-definition television system — Historically the term high definition television was first used to refer to television standards developed in the 1930s to replace early experimental systems with as few as 12 lines. Not so long afterwards John Logie Baird, Philo T. Farnsworth… … Wikipedia
Analog-Digital-Wandler — Ana|log Di|gi|tal Wand|ler 〈m. 3; kurz: AD Wandler〉 elektronisches Gerät zur Umwandlung einer kontinuierlich veränderbaren Gleichspannung in eine digitale Form zur direkten Weiterverarbeitung z. B. in Digitalrechnern; Ggs Digital Analog Wandler * … Universal-Lexikon
Analog-to-digital conversion with SAR — An analog digital converter (ADC abbreviation, or ADC A / D) is an electronic integrated circuit whose function is to generate numerical values from the continuous or analog inputs it receives. Our interest focuses on the new technique based on… … Wikipedia